New Compact Butane Lighters

I like fire as much as I like flashlights. Maybe even more. I waver back and forth, depending on which shiny new object has captured my attention most recently. Some little lighters that I got as samples from the manufacturer of my waterproof capsule lighter have been in my pack or kits for a long time and have held up really well, so I am pleased to finally be able to offer them to you folks.

slimlighter11First off, I have a slim lighter that you many have seen in my videos a time or two. If I need a lighter, this is usually the one I reach for. It’s not waterproof like the capsule lighter, but I am pretty good about keeping my gear clean and dry, so I’ve never had any problems with it. It’s got such a slim profile that it can slip just about anywhere and I never notice it there until I need it.


Next up we’ve got the squat lighter. It is a nice, compact size like the slim lighter, but on the height dimension instead of width. Like the slim lighter, it is an adjustable refillable butane lighter using a piezo ignition.


Last off is an interesting little lighter. The other two have a windproof blue flame, but this one has a more traditional Bic-like orange/yellow flame. Instead of using a piezo ignition, it has a (replaceable) flint striker. It looks like something from many moons ago, but has the modern benefit of refillable butane. It also has a nice black crinkle finish that gives it a good grip and a slick look.
