We have talked a little about favorite gear in the forums lately, but I want to narrow it down to see what people really like. If you had to pick just one piece of clothing/outerwear to go along with you on a trip, what would it be? Ignore climate, season, conditions, elevations, etc. Assuming you had a bunch of icky cotton, what is the one thing you would want to have that might make life a little more comfortable?

Mine is easy. I would take an Icebreaker Conquest Hoody. From the day I bought it to the day it stopped being cold enough to wear it, I wore the thing a good 1/2 of the days at least. It was probably closer to 2/3. I would have worn it more if I didn’t get shit about wearing it every day.

I have never liked another piece of clothing as much as that scrumptious merino wool hoody. It is extrememly comfortable. It fits well. The quality is superb (not unusual for Icebreaker). The hoody is tight, which is the way a hoody should be if you want it to actually keep you warm. The weave is tight, so it did a decent job of blocking wind. It is 100% merino wool, so the body temperature regulation is like no other fabric.

I balk at Icebreaker’s retail prices normally, and The Gear Revival has definitely not helped that viewpoint, but the Conquest Hoody is the one thing that I would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone at full retail price without a second thought.

I bet everyone has something like that. What’s yours?

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