I have had a nice Nesco dehydrator for close to a year now that has seen zero use until tonight. Last weekend, we went to a farm and picked 2 gallons of blueberries, which is more than even we can eat before they go bad. So, I decided to give the dehydrator a shot. We also had some bananas that were getting quite brown, so they were on the list as well.

I boiled the blueberries for about a minute as the instructions directed to remove the wax and break open the skin, creating a nice purple mess of myself and our kitchen in the process. Some of them became a pile of purple goo when I tried to spread them out on the drying racks. I will definitely have to come up with a better process for those.

The bananas were a bit easier, since all I had to do was slice them into 1/4″ slices and then dip them in a mixture of honey, water, and cinnamon. The dehydrator looks like it will be a sticky mess thanks to that plan and cleaning it up should be a fun task this weekend. I’ll let you all know how they turn out. If this try goes well, I have Rainer cherries, pluots, tomatoes, and all kinds of other stuff to experiment with.

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