I was looking through my previous blog/forum posts over the past few days for information that could be converted over to wiki articles. I was dismayed to see that not as many of them could be converted as I would like. Basically, I was not conveying information in the way I originally intended for this site. I wanted this to be a place full of tutorials, beginners’ information, step-by-step guides, etc.

Well, I am going to tilt the balance back toward the useful side. You will start seeing a lot more how-tos, videos, basic information posts, etc. from me. I started this off with an article on merino wool, a subject near and dear to all of us. There are corresponding blog and forum posts to go along with the wiki article. I am working on articles on packing a backpack, making a survival kit, starting a fire, and several others. My intent is that I can post information in the wiki at the same time as the regular blog and forum posts, so I need to have some actual content in there somewhere. You all are being very anti-wiki, but I still think that is the best way to get more people involved in the site, so I am going to plow ahead with new articles. I’m awfully stubborn, so it will be a while before I give up on the wiki.

Just so you know, I’ll still have plenty of pointless posts. You won’t be getting away from those that easily.

