This is not exactly outdoors related (sorry, I have had too many of those lately), so skip on down if you are looking for fire or flashlights…

Ask anyone who has Amazon Prime (like Cat) and they will tell you that it is the bestest thing ever. Basically, you get free two-day shipping on everything Amazon sells, and $3.99 one day shipping if you need something in a hurry. They also ship items a LOT faster (same day if it is before a certain time) than if you just use their regular shipping. My Prime membership ran out a while back, and I am going through withdrawal thanks to their slow ass super saver shipping and week long waits before items ship.

Amazon lets people try it for free every now and then, and it looks like they are letting qualifying members try it free for a month. The terms mention new members, so you might need to sign up for a new account if it doesn’t work with your original account. Also, you do have to give your credit card information, so just make sure that you cancel before the month is up if you don’t think the service is worth the $79 annual fee. From what a certain little kitty tells me, you can also share it with three other people, which makes the $79 fee a lot more palatable if you do not order from amazon every two days. With the awesome grocery deal they have this month, now is a good time to try Prime.

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